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Дата проверки выдачи02.01.2024
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geoportal.md 1


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geodata.gov.md 2
geoportalinds.gov.md 3


Geoportal INDS · Ștergeți interogarea curentă de căutare, filtre și sorturi. · Căutare · optiuni de cautare.
inspire-geoportal.ec.europa.eu 4

INSPIRE Geoportal

INSPIRE Geoportal. INSPIRE Geoportal. GeoNetwork opensource allows to easily share geographically referenced thematic information between different ...
geoportal.gov.pl 5
geoportal.ancpi.ro 6
en.wikipedia.org 7


A geoportal is a type of web portal used to find and access geographic information (geospatial information) and associated geographic services (display, ...
arcgis.com 8


... de construcción. Measurement. Print. Share. Add Data. Header. GEOPORTAL. Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi IGAC. About. Skip to Map. Chrome · Firefox ...
mapy.geoportal.gov.pl 9
geoportal.lt 10
geoportal.dgu.hr 11

Geoportal DGU

Geoportal Državne geodetske uprave Republike Hrvatske.
katastar.ba 12


Dobrodošli na GEOPORTAL Federalne uprave za geodetske i imovinsko-pravne poslove · Ortofoto snimci Federacije BiH u razmjeri 1:5000 i 1:2500; · Katastarski podaci ...
inspire-geoportal.ec.europa.eu 13

Data sets by

The INSPIRE Geoportal is the central European access point to the data provided by EU Member States and several EFTA countries under the INSPIRE Directive.
geoportal.survey.gov.bn 14

GeoPortal - Web Map

GeoPortal. Scale: SRS: GDBD2009, Timbalai 1948/RSO Borneo (m), WGS 84. Legends - Master Plan. AQUACULTURE BUILDING_SAND_DEPOSITS CLASS_1&2_AGRICULTURE_LAND
geoportail.lu 15

Geoportal - Home

The national geoportal of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg · ACT has presented the official 3d model of Luxembourg. Clickhere to visualize the model directely in ...
geoportal.sk 16

Geoportal | Geoportál

Geoportal purpose · Geodetic control - download · ZBGIS - download · Contact · Geodetic and Cartographic Institute Bratislava. Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre ...
nationalgeoportal.gov.np 17

National Geoportal

A Geoportal is a consolidated and centralized web-based digital platform that provides an online geo information management system and consists of spatial data ...
geo.scholarsportal.info 18
mcmap.org 19

GeoPortal - Mecklenburg County GIS

GeoPortal was created by Mecklenburg County GIS and is free and open source software. You can find the source code on Github. Pull requests are welcome!
facebook.com 20

Fondul naţional de date geospaţiale | Chisinau

Din motive tehnice geoportal.md nu este disponibil. Cerem scuze pentru incomoditati, la moment nu avem o data exacta cind serviciul va fi online. 󰤥 · 󰤦 · 󰤧 1.
geoportal.gov.gi 21

Gibraltar's GeoPortal

A Geoportal is used to find and access geographic information (geospatial information) and associated geographic services. These services allow the user to ...
africageoportal.com 22

Africa GeoPortal - powered by Esri

The Africa GeoPortal is an open mapping community, working together to provide data and insights across Africa.
geoportal.survey.gov.bn 23

Survey Geoportal

Welcome to Survey Geoportal · Negara Brunei Darussalam. Responsive image. Click Image to continue
caribbeangeoportal.com 24

Caribbean GeoPortal - Powered by Esri

The Caribbean GeoPortal is an open mapping community, working together to provide data and insights across the Caribbean.
geoportaal.maaamet.ee 25

Geoportal | Estonian Land Board - Geoportaal - Maa-amet

Geoportal - Webpage of Estonian Land Board for Spatial Data: Web Maps, Spatial Data, Maps, Services, Open Data.
geoportal.gov.ph 26
surveyofindia.gov.in 27

SOI GeoPortal

SOI GeoPortal. Home | About SOI. SOI GEO PORTAL CORS Web Application SOI Superseded policies SOI Documentary Youtube Channel of SOI Important Links ...
geoportal.asig.gov.al 28
mpezgis.in 29
bcn.cat 30

GeoPortal - Geoservices

The Geoportal is a web site whose purpose is to offer users access to a series of resources and services based on geographic information. It allows geospatial ...
github.com 31


Esri Geoportal Server is a next generation open-source metadata catalog and editor, based on elasticsearch. - GitHub - Esri/geoportal-server-catalog: Esri ...
geoportal.mp.gov.in 32
geoportal.harita.gov.tr 33

GeoPortal - Harita Genel Müdürlüğü

Custom scrollbars · (1) Geoportal uygulamasından memnun musunuz? · (2) Aramakta olduğunuz harita ve harita bilgisine ulaşabiliyor musunuz? · (3) Sorgu sonucunda ...
geoportal.rks-gov.net 34
geoportal.icpac.net 35

ICPAC Geoportal: Welcome!

ICPAC Geoportal · Eastern Africa Hazards Watch · Eastern Africa Drought Watch · Eastern Africa Agriculture Watch · IGAD 3W Map - Resilience Projects.
hub.kansasgis.org 36

Kansas Geoportal

The Kansas Geoportal Hub for sharing geospatial data across state departments.
bhuvan-app1.nrsc.gov.in 37
wsdot.wa.gov 38
esri.com 39

Esri Geoportal Server | Open-Source Metadata Management

Esri Geoportal Server is a free, open-source, stand-alone metadata catalog management app that enables discovery and use of geospatial resources such as ...
gis.epa.ie 40
data.ca.gov 41

CA State Geoportal - California Open Data

CA State Geoportal. The California State Geoportal is a centralized geographic open data portal, which includes authoritative data and applications from a ...
geoportal.statistics.gov.uk 42
play.google.com 43

Geoportal Mobile – Aplicații pe Google Play

Aplicația Geoportal Mobile oferă acces la servicii de date spațiale. Geoportal Mobile oferă acces la registrele de stat puse la dispoziție de Biroul Central ...
geoportal.esdm.go.id 44
africageoportal.maps.arcgis.com 45

Africa GeoPortal

Africa GeoPortal Gallery Content. This group contains maps, layers, apps, and tools featured in the Gallery page of the Africa GeoPortal. You can browse the ...
geoportaligm.gob.ec 46
geo.btaa.org 47

Big Ten Academic Alliance Geoportal

Resource Type ... The Big Ten Academic Alliance Geoportal provides discoverability and facilitates access to geospatial resources. The resources in the portal are ...
atlas.geoportalmaps.com 48

Hancock County Assessor

... Geoportal map viewer here. Supported Browsers. The Geoportal online map viewer is compatible with the following browsers: Microsoft Windows 7+. Google Chrome ...
kygeoportal.ky.gov 49

Kentucky Geography Network :: Geoportal

KyGeoportal Home. The Kentucky Geoportal is an award-winning Data Clearinghouse that provides easy and convenient ways to discover and share geospatial data ...
geoportal.gisqatar.org.qa 50
conabio.gob.mx 51

Geoportal del Sistema Nacional de Información sobre ...

El Geoportal de la CONABIO tiene como objetivo facilitar la localización, consulta y obtención de la cartografía temática generada y recopilada por la ...
polska.geoportal2.pl 52


Witamy na Polska.geoportal2.pl! Geoportal prezentuje najważniejsze zasoby mapowe dostępne w Polsce. Są to zasoby poziomu centralnego, powiatowego i gminnego.
gis.data.alaska.gov 53

State of Alaska Geoportal

The Alaska Open Data Geoportal is a cooperative project coordinated by the Alaska Geospatial Office. The data and services available are hosted by public ...
geoportal.bayern.de 54
geoportal.jeffparish.net 55

Jefferson Parish Geoportal

Jefferson Parish GeoPortal. Site Disclaimer. Jefferson Parish has developed a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) database using aerial photography and field ...
iplan.townplan.gov.my 56
geoportal.arctic-sdi.org 57
geoportalouot.unah.edu.hn 58

Geoportal OUOT: Welcome!

Welcome! ... This Geoportal, based on GeoNode, aims to be an open repository of information to share geospatial data and maps, which can be consulted by the ...
geo.admin.ch 59
ksdi.kerala.gov.in 60
geo.be 61

geo.be | Belgian federal geodata portal

Geoportal of the federal state of Belgium. The site with geographic information from the Belgian federal institutions.
geoportal.rlp.de 62
ebiz.jupem.gov.my 63

eBiz JUPEM: Halaman Utama

Geoportal membolehkan semua permohonan untuk maklumat geospatial dan perkhidmatan JUPEM diproses melalui tetingkap akses tunggal yang menyediakan ...
open.ngis.uz 64
library.wur.nl 65

Wageningen University & Research - Geoportal

Wageningen University & Research - Geoportal · Geoportal: RAF aerial photographs · Library · Education & Programmes · Research & Results · Value Creation & ...
geoportal.co.me 66

Geoportal CG

Geoportal Uprave za katastar i državnu imovinu Crne Gore, omogućava pristup prostornim podacima iz nadležnosti Uprave i drugih subjekata. Interaktivna web karta.
geoportalinds.gov.md 67

Geoportal INDS

Geoportal INDS · Relevancy · Last updates · New records · Title · Rating · Popularity · Inspire theme · Owner. Grid; List.
tanahair.indonesia.go.id 68


Ina-Geoportal. Ina-Geoportal sebagai geoportal nasional yang menghubungkan berbagai Kementerian, Lembaga, Provinsi, dan Daerah yang menjadi mitra penghubung ...
geoportal.org 69
bhuvan-app1.nrsc.gov.in 70
geoportalpraha.cz 71
geoportal.hawaii.gov 72
geoportal.madrid.es 73
tallinn.ee 74
geoportal.cuzk.cz 75

Map Services - WMS - Public - Introduction

https://ags.cuzk.cz/arcgis/services/Site/GeografickaSitWGS84/MapServer/WmsServer? WMS map service - Basic topografic maps of the CR for KIVS; https://geoportal.
geoportal.registradores.org 76

Geoportal Registradores

Mostrar Geoportal. Mostrar Geoportal. Portal Registral de Emergencias. El CORPME, a través de la herramienta informática ubicada en la URL www.geoportal ...
geoportal-bw.de 77
geoportal.cnelep.gob.ec 78
dgrm.mm.gov.pt 79

Geoportal do Mar Português - DGRM

O geoportal “Situação de Referência”, cuja gestão é da responsabilidade da Direção-Geral de Recursos Naturais, Segurança e Serviços Marítimos (DGRM), integra ...
gis.data.ca.gov 80

California State Geoportal

Discover, analyze and download data from California State Geoportal. Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF or PNG. Find API links for GeoServices, ...
geoportal.vizugy.hu 81
odims.ospar.org 82


geoportal.landportal.org 83
geoportal.lneg.pt 84
geoportal.mp.gov.in 85
geoportal.pgi.gov.pl 86

Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny - PIB

Portal CBDG – http://geoportal.pgi.gov.pl has been operating since 2008. It contained, among others: websites of key PGI-NRI projects, websites of regional ...
gis.arso.gov.si 87

Geoportal ARSO

Geoportal ARSO je namenjen brskanju, iskanju in prenosu metapodatkov. Metapodatki se nanašajo na sloje, ki so v pristojnosti ARSO in si jih lahko ogledate v ...
geoportail.lu 88

Geoportal - Maps

Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. The national geoportal ...
geoportal.idesa.gob.ar 89
geoportal.asig.gov.al 90
geoportal.seduh.df.gov.br 91
mygeoportal.gov.my 92
atlas.geoportalmaps.com 93

Adams County Assessor

... Geoportal map viewer here. Supported Browsers. The Geoportal online map viewer is compatible with the following browsers: Microsoft Windows 7+. Google Chrome ...
geoportal.nrw 94
geoportal.gov.cz 95

Prohlížení - Národní geoportál INSPIRE

Národní geoportál INSPIRE. Adresy Metadata Dokumenty. Hledat. Hledat. Hledat. English (United States) · čeština (Česká republika). Email: Heslo: Přihlásit.
google.com 96
geoportal.rks-gov.net 97